Jul 12, 2007 structural dna nanotechnology uses unusual dna motifs to build target shapes and arrangements. Biox center, shanghai jiao tong university, 1954 huashan rd, shanghai 200030, china. Within this paradigm, preassembled dna origami with hundreds of dna strands allows for precise and programmable spatial positioning of functionalised nanoparticles. Practical aspects of structural and dynamic dna nanotechnology. We will observe that many of these self assembly processes are computational based and programmable, and it seems likely that a variety of. Self assembly is a common principle in molecular fabrication of natural and synthetic systems and has many important applications in the fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Dnatemplated selfassembly of protein arrays and highly. His current research focuses on the self assembly of dna nanomachines and nanodevices to probe biophysical functions of molecular and cellular systems. Recent advances in dna nanotechnology sciencedirect. Nadrian seeman, a pioneer in the field of dna nanotechnology, constructed various nanostructures based on dna self assembly. Structural dna nanotechnology, specifically the molecular self assembly process known as dna origami, has emerged as a versatile approach to fabricate nanodevices with complex nanoscale geometry, defined placement of molecular functionalities, and programed mechanical and dynamic properties. Here, we have explored how dna responds to torsional stress by building on a previously reported twoturn dna tensegrity triangle and demonstrating that we could introduce an extra nucleotide pair np into the original sequence without affecting assembly.
Dna nanotechnology is an area of current research that uses the bottomup, self assembly approach for nanotechnological goals. Since then, dna based self assembly achieved spectacular results relying on the basepairing specificity of nucleotides, using dna synthesis technology, computer based design and, above all. We will discuss how concepts from dna nanotechnology can be integrated with our understanding of dna mediated interactions to make fully programmable grafted particle systems. Dna nanotechnology uses the unique molecular recognition properties of dna and other nucleic acids to create selfassembling branched dna complexes with useful properties. Structural as well as dynamic dna nanotechnology offer diverse tools with which to design building blocks and to shape their assembly behaviors. These results show that dna origami can work as a negative resist layer for the patterning of inorganic materials at the sub10nm scale. Thus, simple branched molecules lead directly to the. In this dissertation these two areas are investigated. Abstract for the fourth foresight conference on molecular nanotechnology. In this study, we present a new hierarchical assembly method based on fourway toeholdmediated strand displacement to facilitate the combination of preformed dna structural units. The field of dna nanotechnology takes this molecule out of its biological context and uses its information to assemble structural motifs and then to connect them together. The tile consists of a rigid core containing two parallel dna duplex helices that display four short sticky ends labeled a, a, b and b in fig. Mechanical design of dna origami has also led to expanded function of dynamic nanodevices, for example, to construct joints for angular motion, 52 sliding joints that achieve translation, 52 or rotors for continuous rotation. Ribbe, wen jiang, and chengde mao department of chemistry and markey center for structural biology and department of biological sciences, purdue university, west lafayette, in.
However, although proteins can easily be genetically encoded and produced in vivo, the encoding and assembly of complex dnabased. Integrating dna stranddisplacement circuitry with dna. Aunr dimer structures with various predetermined interrod angles and relative distances were constructed with high efficiency. Self assembled dna nanomaterials with highly programmed structures and functions zhihao li, jie wang, yingxue li, xinwen liu and quan yuan long admired as the repository of genetic information, dna has more recently been exploited as a powerful material for self assembly. Self assembled dnabased structures for nanoelectronics 103 tures could also be completely metallized 33. Dna directed selfassembly 20 nm figure 1 examples of structural dna nanotechnology. Dna doublecrossover tiles schematically shown in fig. Selfassemblybased structural dna nanotechnology request pdf. Dna nanotechnology exploits the predictable self assembly of dna oligonucleotides to design and assemble innovative and highly discrete nanostructures. Molecular self assembly is a strategy for nanofabrication that involves designing molecules and supramolecular entities so that shapecomplementarity causes them to aggregate into desired structures. The pioneer of the field of structural dna nanotechnology, nadrian c. It is the aim of nanotechnology to master and design well controlled selfassemblies starting from various mbbs molecular building blocks. Whitesides department of chemistry, harvard university cambridge ma, 029.
Dna origami as a nanoscale template for protein assembly. Here, by harnessing both dynamic and structural dna nanotechnology, we demonstrate dynamic control of the selfassembly of dna nanotubesa wellknown class of programmable dna nanostructures. Self assembly of threedimensional prestressed tensegrity structures from dna tim liedl 1,2,3,bjo. A dna nanostructure consisting of four fourarm junctions oriented with a square aspect ratio was designed and constructed. Periodic protein arrays were achieved by templated self assembly.
In contrast, self assembled biological components grow, recon. So far, dna self assembly has mostly employed dna tiles as building blocks. Dna nanotechnology holds remarkable potential for engineering biosensing interfaces for several reasons. Dna nanotechnology is an area of current research that uses the bottomup, selfassembly approach for nanotechnological goals. Taking advantage of the specificity and programmability of the. In addition to its genetic function, dna is one of the most distinct and smart self assembling nanomaterials. Molecular self assembly is a strategy for nanofabrication that involves designing molecules and supramolecular entities so that shapecomplementarity causes them to. Seemans original proposals to use immobile dna junctions to create self assembling arrays a and self assembled 3d dna lattices b as scaffolds to organize macromolecules into crystalline lattices. We report a novel and costeffective strategy to self assemble finitesize dna nanoarrays.
For example, kang et al patterned dna nanowire arrays by. The application of structural dna nanotechnology in np research will create unprecedented opportunities in nanoscale multiplexing for a wide range of applications in nanomedicine. The combination of synthetic stable branched dna and stickyended cohesion has led to the development of structural dna nanotechnology over the past 30 years. With the help of a dna template, the placement and orientation of individual molecules or larger molecular assemblies becomes possible, in principle with an accuracy of a single base pair 0. In 1982, seeman proposed to use dna as the structural material for the bottomup self assembly and he is accepted as the founder of the field of dna nanotechnology. Dna nanotechnology assisted nanoporebased analysis nucleic. Structural dna nanotechnology a powerful example of selfassembly. Programmable positioning of onedimensional 1d gold nanorods aunrs was achieved by dna directed self assembly. An overview of structural dna nanotechnology springerlink. Selfassemblybased structural dna nanotechnology bentham. Dna molecules have been used to build a variety of novel nanoscale structures and devices over the past 30 years. To achieve active selfassembly, a synergy of diverse dna techniques is essential, including structural design, controllable assemblydisassembly, autonomous assembly, molecular circuits.
Nanotechnology selfassembly encompasses a wide range of concepts and structural complexities, from the growth of crystals to the reproduction of complete biological entities. Understanding the selfassembly behavior of nanoparticles and. These discrete anisotropic metallic nanostructures exhibit unique plasmonic properties, as measured experimentally and simulated by the discrete dipole. Aug 05, 2008 molecular self assembly is a promising approach to the preparation of nanostructures. Nucleic acid nanotechnology has enabled researchers to construct a wide range of multidimensional structures in vitro. Based on the watsoncrick basepairing and the famous double helical structure, a library of dna 2d or 3d nanostructures has been designed, constructed and. Dna nanotechnologyenabled interfacial engineering for. The nanoparticle tube assembly can be engineered both by the underlying dna tile scaffolds and the nanoparticles themselves. Previous work in structural dna nanotechnology has shown that dna tubes can form through either the self association of multihelix dna bundle structures or the closing up of 2d dna tile lattices 1726.
The development of dna machines has benefited greatly from the achievements in both structural and dynamic dna nanotechnology. Using dna to program the selfassembly of colloidal. Dna nanotechnology uses the unique molecular recognition properties of dna and other nucleic acids to create self assembling branched dna complexes with useful properties. Dna lattice a dna tile is a dna nanostructure that has a number of sticky ends on its sides, which are termed pads a dna lattice is a dna nanostructure composed of a group of dna tiles that are assembled together via hybridization of their pads winfree, yang and seeman 1996 developed a family of dna tiles known collectively as dx tiles.
It is generally believed that rigidities of dna nanomotifs tiles are essential for programmable self assembly of well defined. Dna nanotechnology assisted nanoporebased analysis. Using the assembly of thiolated dna probes on the gold surface as an example, dna molecules in solution are spontaneously adsorbed on au and then reorganized into a self assembled monolayer sam as a consequence of the specific aus interaction. Selfassembly of symmetric finitesize dna nanoarrays. Introduction self assembly is a remarkable process that nature uses to organize chemical systems composed of nonliving components into living, biological systems. In general, to construct a 2d array with a total of n tiles containing cm symmetry, where m 2, 3, 4, or 6, the number of unique tiles the fixedsize array requires is nm, if nm is an integral. A central challenge in nanotechnology is the parallel fabrication of complex geometries for nanodevices. Zhao zhang, yanming fu, baojie li, guoyin feng, can li, chunhai fan and lin he affiliation. Selfassembly of threedimensional prestressed tensegrity. These unusual motifs are generated by reciprocal exchange of dna backbones, leading to branched systems with many strands and multiple helical domains. Seeman department of chemistry new york university new york, ny 3, usa ned.
Challenges and opportunities for structural dna nanotechnology. Moreover, the ldna architectures feature superior nuclease resistance thus are appealing for. Algorithmic assembly holds great promise for the highly controlled construction of materials with designed features and target sizes in one, two or three dimensions. Dna directed selfassembly of anisotropic plasmonic. Synthetic dna molecules have been programmed to assemble into a wide range of nanostructures.
Dna nanotechnology is a rapidly growing field of science that holds great promise for creating nanodevices capable of programmable transport and delivery of molecular cargoes, highprecision molecular sensing, nanomanufacturing, molecular computing, and. Seeman, lays out its principles lucidly and with superb graphics to match. Jan 10, 2016 dna lattice a dna tile is a dna nanostructure that has a number of sticky ends on its sides, which are termed pads a dna lattice is a dna nanostructure composed of a group of dna tiles that are assembled together via hybridization of their pads winfree, yang and seeman 1996 developed a family of dna tiles known collectively as dx tiles. As discussed above, recent developments in the design, construction and self assembly of dna based nanostructures have stimulated much excitement for combining the exquisite power of sequence addressablilty and structural integrity for deterministic positioning of biomolecular and nanoelectronicphotonic elements, as well as designing a water. Dna molecules have been used successfully in dna based computation as molecular representations of wang tiles, whose self assembly can be programmed to perform a calculation. Structural dna nanotechnology, dna self assembly, dna nanoarchitectures, dna origami, nanofabrication, tile based dna self. Highly ordered dna motifs are capable of providing an ultrafine framework for the next generation of nanofabrications.
Here, we describe a dna self assembly system that can be tuned to form a complex target structure isothermally at any prescribed. Plasmonic isomers via dnabased selfassembly of gold. The basis of this enterprise is that it is possible to construct novel dna based materials by combining these features in a self assembly protocol. After decades of active pursuit, dna has demonstrated unprecedented versatility in constructing artificial nanostructures with. To achieve active self assembly, a synergy of diverse dna techniques is essential, including structural design, controllable assembly disassembly, autonomous assembly, molecular circuits, biochemical oscillators, and so on. Dna origami nanostructures are fully addressable with nanometer precision, which makes them a robust platform for the precise organization of other.
Until recently, most dna based structures were assembled by thermal annealing using high magnesium concentrations and nonphysiological environments. To achieve active self assembly, a synergy of diverse dna techniques is essential, including structural design, controllable assembly disassembly, autonomous assembly, molecular circuits. Selfassembly of 3d dna crystals containing a torsionally. Nanotechnology is often defined as the study of materials and devices with features on a scale below 100 nanometers. Dna, in particular, shows great potential to be a superb molecular system. A dna based molecular platform with an integrated robotic arm. For the rigid dna plate, we used a crossed twolayer scaffold routing in which the. Hierarchical assembly of dna nanostructures based on fourway. Highly ordered dna motifs are capable of providing an ultrafine framework for. The first of its kind, it will undoubtedly become the bible for dna self assembly and nanoscale 3d printing. Towards active selfassembly through dna nanotechnology. Dna nanotechnology, specifically, is an example of bottomup molecular self assembly, in which molecular components spontaneously organize into stable structures. Autonomous dynamic control of dna nanostructure selfassembly. Molecular selfassembly in nanoscience and nanotechnology.
Mar 24, 2017 integrating proteinbased functionalities into designed dnabased structural scaffolds could thus provide an attractive approach toward creating multifunctional assemblies with userdefined shapes 2528. Structural dna nanotechnology utilizes synthetic or biologic dna as designer molecules for the self assembly of artificial nanostructures. Dna nanotechnology has various applications but mostly is used in dna computing and molecular selfassembly. The visionary father of the field of structural dna nanotechnology, nadrian c. In the 1980s, dna was characterized as being able to form desired nanostructures via computerassisted molecular designs, i. Recently, dna brick strategy has provided a highly modular and scalable approach for the construction of complex structures, which can be used as nanoscale pegboards for the precise. A selfassembled nanoscale robotic arm controlled by. Structural dna nanotechnology creates motifs that can be useful for dna based computation and for the algorithmic assembly of materials. Dna nanotechnology is the field of nanotechnology that uses the unique structure and properties of dna as a structural material or computational medium. Structural dna nanotechnology creates motifs that can be useful for dnabased computation and for the algorithmic assembly of materials12. Structural dna nanotechnology creates motifs that can be useful for dna based computation and for the algorithmic assembly of materials winfree, 1996. Based on the watsoncrick basepairing and the famous double helical structure, a library of dna 2d or 3d nanostructures has been designed, constructed and characterized, by either tilebased or origami based selfassembly. Self assemblybased structural dna nanotechnology volume. Journal of the american chemical society, 2014, 6, 1119811211.
A variety of convenient design rules and reliable assembly methods have been developed to engineer dna nanostructures of increasing. Conformational flexibility facilitates selfassembly of. Therefore, the ldna selfassembly is a substantial complement to the structural dna nanotechnology. Here we report a general method for arranging singlewalled carbon nanotubes in two. Thermal annealing is frequently used as an easy and robust way to coordinate the desired sequence of self asembly events in structural dna nanotechnology. Request pdf selfassemblybased structural dna nanotechnology apart from providing the material for genetic information storage, dna has also been regarded as a useful building block in the. In particular, dna self assembly uses techniques from multiple disciplines such as biochemistry, physics, chemistry, and material science, as well as computer science and mathematics. Selfassembled dna nanomaterials with highly programmed. Structural dna nanotechnology appears to be at the cusp of a truly exciting explosion of applications, which can be expected to occur by the end of the current decade.
A variety of convenient design rules and reliable assembly methods have been developed to engineer dna nanostructures of increasing complexity. Nanotechnology applications in selfassembly and dna computing. Selfassembled dnabased structures for nanoelectronics 103 tures could also be completely metallized 33. Over the past three decades dna has emerged as an exceptional molecular building block for nanoconstruction due to its predictable conformation and programmable intra and intermolecular watsoncrick basepairing interactions. There is an increasing appreciation for structural diversity of dna that is of interest to both dna nanotechnology and basic biology. Request pdf self assembly based structural dna nanotechnology apart from providing the material for genetic information storage, dna has also been regarded as a useful building block in the. Dna origami can also be used as a dry etching mask for the patterning of graphene nanomeshes. Selfassembled dnabased structures for nanoelectronics. Developments in dna nanotechnology offer control of the self assembly of materials into discrete nanostructures. Shih1,2,3 tensegrity, or tensional integrity, is a property of a structure indicating a reliance on a balance between components that. The actuator unit of our system is composed of a 55nmby55nm dna origami plate with an integrated 25nmlong arm defined by a dna sixhelix bundle 6hb, allowing for a highyield, onepot folding procedure. Nonperiodic assembly of materials on such structures with. To form a stable sam, its free energy must be lower than the solvent that separated dna molecules, which is composed. This book provides clear explanations of the principles of self assembly with the limitations along with examples and research based results with discussion for students, researchers, and professions.
A few strategies have already been investigated to combine preformed dna nanostructures. Seeman, presents the foundations, the state of the art, and the stories leading to the development of this fascinating field that today allows researchers around the globe to control matter with subnanometer precision by means of self assembly. Dna is thus used as a structural material rather than as a carrier of biological information, to. Understanding the self assembly behavior of nanoparticles and polymers sojung park department of chemistry university of pennsylvania. Grafting dna onto nano and microparticles can, in principle, program them with. Integrating dna stranddisplacement circuitry with dna tile. Isothermal selfassembly of complex dna structures under. The field is founded upon the specific interactions between dna molecules, known as watsoncrick base pairing. This strategy takes advantage of the geometric symmetry of the dna nanostructures. First, the programmable assembly of ordered dna nanostructures with welldefined hydrogen bonds provides a powerful means to realize the entropyenthalpy compensation.
Apart from providing the material for genetic information storage, dna has also been regarded as a useful building block in the field of nanotechnology, which is known as dna nanotechnology. Conformational flexibility facilitates selfassembly of complex dna nanostructures chuan zhang, min su, yu he, xin zhao, pingan fang, alexander e. Dnabased nanomechanical devices can lead to nanometerscale robotics and very smart materials that respond to specific stimuli by particular spatial transitions. Structural foundations of structural dna nanotechnology and representative examples each panel described left to right. The exploitation of dna for the production of nanoscale architectures presents a young yet paradigm breaking approach, which addresses many of the barriers to the self assembly of small molecules into highlyordered nanostructures via construct addressability. Mar 12, 2020 structural as well as dynamicdnananotechnology offer diverse tools with which to design building blocks and to shape their assembly behaviors.
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